Going along with the topic of “Patterns” I thought it would be fun to work around
the idea of 'Behavioural Patterns' so after some light research, by which I mean googling
the words 'behavioural' and 'patterns'. I came across this excerpt
“There are common patterns of behaviour exhibited by many species,
and a few behaviour patternsthat are exhibited by all species. Since all
species need to reproduce, eat, and try not to be eaten be someone else, all
species exhibit some type of reproductive behaviour, foraging (eating) behaviour,
and defensive behaviour.”
My concept is to have different animals sitting in a bar. This struck me as a solution
to the idea because a bar is a location in which one forages for for food and drink.
Some also use a bar as a place to begin engaging in reproductive behaviour.
Defensive behaviours can also be seen in bars. Whether it's avoiding unwanted
advances or getting into a fight.
I really just wanted to draw a manatee with a cocktail...